Realize Your

We are here to help your community with complex project funding strategies and administration

The MarksNelson team has decades of success helping communities, governments and organizations develop incentive policies, negotiate and structure incentive agreements, and secure and administer more than $100 million in grant funds. We provide assistance to communities on a daily basis through a variety of programs targeting economic development projects, public facilities programs, daycare centers, neighborhood redevelopment projects, flood recovery programs, and more.

Community Incentive Services include:

  • Incentive Agreement Structuring & Negotiation – MarksNelson is frequently engaged by governments and economic development organizations to assist with the attraction of new and retention/expansion of existing businesses. Our team has extensive experience with local, state, and federal incentive programs and will be a valuable partner as you work to develop impactful and appropriate incentive offerings.
  • Incentive Compliance – Once an incentive agreement has been finalized, ensuring follow-through and consistency in the compliance and reporting is essential. MarksNelson represents our government and economic development organization clients to monitor projects receiving public incentives and provide thorough, accurate, and consistent reporting.
  • Grant Application & Administration – MarksNelson has extensive experience managing projects funded through multiple sources, including the use of CDBG, EDA, NSP, HOME, LHTC, HTC, NAP funds, tax credits, and more. We are adept at coordinating project objectives, eligibility, applications compliance, and reporting.